May 202014

Given the news that Minneapolis will be hosting a Super Bowl in 2018, I’m wondering how much my place could fetch on Airbnb for that weekend. My guess: quite a bit. I’m located within walking distance of the new stadium (currently under construction) and the airport is easily accessible via light rail. My kitchen isn’t terribly well-stocked, but that’s a small price to pay for location and a decent Wi-Fi connection. This may be the ticket to funding a European trip or paying off a chunk of a car loan.

What are my readers’ experiences with leasing out your place to strangers?

  One Response to “Room And Board”

  1. When Barcelona hosted the Olympics, my son rented his 6th-floor walkup flat and left town for the duration. As I recall it, he corresponded extensively via e-mail with his prospective tenants, accepted their deposit via Paypal or some similar electronic means, and collected the balance of the rent on the day he met them, delivered the keys, and departed.

    He reported no problems, and made more than half a year’s mortgage payments for a three-week rental. He returned the day they planned to leave, toured the apartment with them, and then accompanied them to his bank to return their deposit in cash.

    I believe he requested a bank reference and a reference from their employers.

    Best of luck to you!

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