I really tried to come up with something interesting to write. But the Muse is getting bored with me.
More tomorrow.
I really tried to come up with something interesting to write. But the Muse is getting bored with me.
More tomorrow.
This weekend will be a mix of work and play, so I’d better commence with the play. Once the legislative session is over, I might indulge in some truly inadvisable recreational activities. You may want to start planning the intervention now before I’m too far gone.
My apologies for the lack of updates over the last few days. I’m feeling better, but it may take a few more days for me to be at full strength again as this particular virus is something of a malingerer. So don’t expect any dazzling prose in the immediate future. Then again, you probably don’t expect that anyway.
Of course, my thoughts are with the people of Boston. Let’s hope the perpetrators are caught soon and that the media shows good judgment as they rush to cover this tragedy.
I seem to be fighting a cold, which is rather inconvenient. More tomorrow.
Something unexpected came up tonight. More tomorrow.
Tonight got away from me. More tomorrow.
Enjoy the weekend. I’m going to try to stay out of the hospital and indulge in some well-earned loafing.
More tomorrow.
Even after all these years, the Internet’s sheer efficiency still impresses me sometimes. After upgrading my computer over the weekend, I decided to try selling a few used parts on Craigslist. Within a few hours, everything sold. Should I ever get serious about de-cluttering my place, I may just spend a weekend posting on Craigslist. But don’t worry, bust of Mr. Spock sitting on my desk. You’re not going anywhere. You’ve seen too much.
Enjoy the weekend. I may have as many as two social engagements. Perhaps I need to hire a personal assistant to organize my calendar.