Aug 052006

The first hints of my next adventure are beginning to reveal themselves to me.  I’ve never taken an extended road trip to any destination outside the upper Midwest.  A road trip is one of those quintessentially American forms of recreation; an opportunity to experience the resplendent vastness of this country, its eccentric charms and mystifying quirks.  So the plan for next summer is a two-week journey that will take me from Minneapolis to my brother’s new home in the San Francisco Bay Area, with at least one layover in Vegas for two to three days.  I want to see things both majestic (Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone) and vulgar (roadside diners, tourist traps).  Depending on the kind of experience I have, perhaps I can turn it into a travelogue or the basis of a novel. 

Some planning will be required, but it should be a cinch compared to the preparations I made for Europe.  Between now and next year, I’ll probably be asking all of you for ideas on stops I should make, routes I should take, etc.  Don’t hesitate to share your own road tripping experiences with me. 

  2 Responses to “Open Road”

  1. My family vacations are known as “another Clark Grizwald Adventure!” (from chevy chases ‘vacation’ movies).
    “Look kids, there’s Big Ben!”
    I highly recommend a cruise. they are a ton of fun. I don’t recommend cruising to Bermuda, I did NOT find the island ‘handicapped friendly’ at all. especially for wheelchairs or scooters. most stores had steps to get into the front door. I had more fun aboard the ship.
    If the cruise ship offers it , I recommend attending ‘high tea’ (they have an orchestra playing while you dine, just like in the final hours of the Titanic!)
    the dinners on a cruise ship are to ‘die for’. I tried so many new dishes. there’s gambling, a different show every night. very entertaining.
    Also, if traveling by car and in the area of Pidgeon Forge , Tennessee, you must go to “Dollywood”. It’s Dolly Parton’s own little world. It’s so cool. and it is very handicapped accessible. and also check out “The Dixie Stampede” ( great show).
    If you go to NY , I can list a million and five things for you to check out.
    Have you been to Florida? Everybody goes to see the 6 foot rat (you know, Mickey Mouse).
    I myself am dying to go to Gettysburg and hook up with a dead Civil War soldier ( Don’t judge me, I don’t judge how you get your freak on!)
    I can go on and on, but I won’t . I’ll stop now.

  2. Planning a road trip this fall, although I am headed East, and saw these two interesting links:
    You may want to consider stopping in Boulder, CO

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