Feb 072009

Dear Hollywood,

Remember that little talk we had the other day about how I’m not your tool? About how you can’t expect me to get excited whenever you appoint some hack to adapt one of my favorite books for the screen? It felt really good to get that off my chest. But then I find out that you’re making a movie of Cloud Atlas, a book that occupies a place of honor in the library of my mind. Whenever friends ask me for a reading recommendation, this is the book I shove into their hands. And you’re letting the Wachowski brothers direct it. Sure, they made The Matrix, but that was ten years ago (ugh, I’m getting old). Everything they’ve done since then has been, well, not good. While the book has a few action sequences, the story isn’t something you can carve up, insert a few bullet-time sequences, and call it good. I’m not even sure the book can be condensed into two or three hours.

I hope you’ll prove me wrong, but I’m not betting on it.



  One Response to “It’s Gonna Suck, Isn’t It?”

  1. oh no!!!! You are making this up I hope…

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