Feb 122009

If you’re a junior attorney in a large law firm and you still have a job to go to tomorrow, consider yourself lucky. A flurry of pink slips went out today to associates in major firms around the country including Faegre & Benson, a Minneapolis firm that recruited several of my former classmates. My sympathies go out to any 2L or 3L who’s seeking employment. You might want to consider doing what a friend of mine did. After she practiced law for a few years, she decided that she wanted to study medicine. So she took the MCAT and got accepted into Stanford med school.

(I have some freakishly smart friends. Just thinking about it is giving me an inferiority complex)

But back to my original point. Sure, you’ll have to take on some additional debt, but you’ll get to wear a lab coat and ogle the naked bodies of strangers. That’s way more fun than writing a brief on eminent domain.

  2 Responses to “Not Enough Litigious Jerks To Go Around”

  1. Seems to me a very intelligent way of solving the crisis, and the problem of unemployment that resulted from it! If everybody who has the feeling he is not working in the field that corresponds 95% with his best talents went to university again…what a gain this might mean for the future, both in the society and in the personal lives of these people!
    Of course, if you are afraid of losing sth. in the beginning, you can never win in the end.

  2. Mark, YOU give ME an inferiority complex… As an engineer I got to wear lots of lab coats, but there were no naked strangers though.

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