Apr 242009

So I signed up for a World of Warcraft account. This could either be a lot of fun or a huge mistake. You may recall that I previously made a brief foray into the land of Azeroth, but I recently made a return trip and decided it merited a longer stay this time. The game really does an excellent job of triggering my “just a few minutes more” response. If you come across a night elf priest named Kalendi who moves around in a somewhat herky-jerky fashion, stop and say hello. I probably won’t be as loquacious as I am on this blog, but I should be able to manage to muster a quick “hi”.

I really should program some keyboard macros for frequently used game phrases like “Heal me!”, “Where’s the inn?”, or “Kid, who taught you how to spell?”

  One Response to “Game On”

  1. Ah, World of Warcraft. Probably the most addicting online multiplayer game of its type. Thankfully, I’ve managed to develop the psychological traits required to resist the lure of it, though I can definitely understand why millions are hooked.

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