Mar 282012

Today, the Court’s conservative bloc seemed to seriously entertain the idea of overturning the entire Affordable Care Act. Justice Kennedy, in particular, mused that striking down the entire law might show more “restraint” than allowing the rest of the law to stand. In other words, a majority of the court may view the evisceration of meaningful health care reform legislation as a mercy killing.

I still don’t think that’s the likeliest outcome, but at this point, nothing the Court does would surprise me. Some believe that a Court decision striking down the ACA would be a boon for the President’s re-election chances. I’m not interested in scoring political points. I’d rather have some assurance that people like this woman have access to affordable health care coverage. And I’ll spend the next three months hoping that the Court will provide that assurance.

  One Response to “Health Care Reform March Madness: Day 3”

  1. I’ve been following your health care saga closely from where I live in Canada. I have some Conservative friends in that States who have been trying to explain to me why they’re so opposed to the reforms and why they think they’re unconstitutional, and they’re very patient with me when I say, “But but but…”, but I wonder how much longer that’s going to last, lol. I just can’t wrap my head around such opposition to health care for people that can’t afford insurance.

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