Jan 042007

I finally broke down last week and order the LCD monitor I’ve been coveting the last few months: the Samsung 204BW 20″ widescreen. I’m not easily impressed, but this thing is gorgeous. The images are bright and crisp; I had forgotten that the color white isn’t supposed to look jaundiced. I watched a bit of a Lost episode I had downloaded and I’m not ashamed to admit that I began to silently weep. And who knew I had this much desk space? Best of all, I can’t find a single dead pixel (always a risk when buying a LCD).

I’m a bit mystified as to what to do with my old 19″ CRT. It’s not worth anything, but perhaps a school or a non-profit can make use of it. After all, it most likely has another 5-10 years of life remaining.

  2 Responses to “Thin Is In”

  1. If you can’t find anyone interested, I’m sure someone at the tclug (http://www.mn-linux.org/) will take it off you, saving you a trip to the dump to dispose of it properly (a legal requirement).

  2. I just donated a monitor to a child who needed it for assistive technology at home. The school had to provide AT but there didn’t seem to be funding for it at home. I also got my workplace to donate a used PC that they were going to trash, that would run the programs he needed as well.

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