Jan 112007
According to PZ, this is National Delurking Week. So if you’re a frequent reader of this blog and have never posted a comment, now is the time. Go on, tell me exactly what you think of me. You know you want to.
According to PZ, this is National Delurking Week. So if you’re a frequent reader of this blog and have never posted a comment, now is the time. Go on, tell me exactly what you think of me. You know you want to.
I admit it! I am definitely a lurker. I started when Deb Holtz suggested you as an interview candidate in one of my classes. Thanks again for the interview! (I was that nerdy little liberal girl that followed you around for a day last year.)
Great blog, it’s always an enjoyable read.
De-lurking from Portland, Oregon. Been reading for a few months now and love the blog. De-lurked on PZ’s blog too, so I feel a bit like a debutante. I’m always tempted to comment but shyness always trumps intent. We have similar taste in movies so of course I’m pleased to read your reviews. Also like your take on current events. Keep it coming, Siegel.
Confess – I am a lurker. I never put in writing what I think about people. I am an attorney.
Okay, you’ve caught me, I have been lurking and enjoying your entry’s, while eating lunch at my desk. Your views on politics, movies and the seemingly unlimited absurdities of life helps me make it to 3PM.
Now excuse me, I have to go back behind this potted palm and resume my lurking.
Definite lurker. Although I forward your link to others quite frequently and list it on my personal site.
I just think it is cool that you read PZ’s blog. He’s the most famous person ever to be associated with my alma mater.
I like the combination of emo sensitivity and sci-fi dorkdom with a dash of occasional rant. It makes for a fine mid-day respite.
This means I’m less creepy now. Right??