Feb 142009

A new dating website, Til-Death-Do-Us-Part, is aimed at people with terminal illnesses. I can’t decide how I feel about this. It might offer a venue where people can be forthright about their health status and find open-minded companions. Or it might be a flocking ground for devotees, predators, and other unsavory characters. But there’s probably some kind of law of nature that requires every dating site has to have its proportionate share of jerks.

I’m still trying to get venture capital funding for a dating site aimed at early-model cyborgs like myself. I keep telling them there’s an untapped segment of the dating population who gets totally turned on by the sound of mechanical ventilation and the sight of extra body orifices. They keep saying “Prove it.” So the market research continues.

  2 Responses to “Everybody Needs Somebody”

  1. America is a great country! Anything a persons imagination can come up with, seems to exist there.
    Yet I don’t know if I wouldn’t miss the relative simplicity of Europe if I lived in America.
    I have lived in Congo for a number of years. I even published a book about these wonderful years of my life, but the truth is there, in that town in the middle of the bush (Bumba), I painfully missed the cultural riches of our old Europe.

  2. Really? Where are these freakish women? I’d like to meet one!

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