Jul 122010

I’m guessing you had a better weekend than me. I came home from work Friday evening with a massive headache and a few hours later I was in the local emergency room with a scorching fever and a tweaked-out heart rate. Things were so bad that I seriously contemplated the possibility that I might spontaneously combust. I was admitted to the hospital and soon discovered I had pneumonia. After they pumped me full of antibiotics, I was sent home the next day (with even more antibiotics). I’m still not functioning at peak efficiency, but I’m happy to have avoided the discomfort and tedium of an extended hospital stay. In the meantime, the doctor has ordered plenty of fluids and sensual massages from women in fishnets. I intend to comply.

  4 Responses to “Mark 527, Microbes 0”

  1. yeesh. get better, dude.

  2. Oh no! I hope you are feeling better.

  3. Obviously your body is protesting your decision to end weekend blogs. It knows that your faithful, if silent fans have nothing to read at lunch on Mondays now.
    Take care of yourself and enjoy the fishneted nurses.

  4. Hope you are feeling MUCH better. Enjoying the posts, Suzanne

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