Apr 222011

I’m uploading a few gigs of music to my Amazon Cloud Drive as I write this. When Amazon first unveiled its remote storage and streaming service, I didn’t think I’d have much use for it. Then I realized it might be nice to have access to some of my music collection from my work computer. Because sometimes writing a policy bulletin demands the accompaniment of Gorillaz. Apple will likely unveil a similar service in the near future and the competition should result in cheap, plentiful storage for anyone who wants it. Cloud computing boosters love to proclaim that soon nobody will need anything more than a few gigs of local storage because inexpensive wireless broadband will let us access our data from any device. Perhaps, but I’m not quite ready to give up my capacious local storage. Servers crash with disturbing frequency and I’m not ready to entrust my choice collection of, uh, stuff to some faceless corporation.

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