May 302012
If you’re planning on seeking admittance to the New York bar in 2013 or later, you’ll need to put in 50 hours of pro bono work first. While I certainly support instilling an ethic of volunteerism in new lawyers, I’m not sure this is the best way to do it. Not everyone is suited to doing pro bono work; making it a requirement will only compel some people to resort to deception to satisfy the bar. And then there’s the questionable wisdom of foisting hordes of unlicensed law students on low-income people with real legal problems. Proper supervision and oversight from experienced attorneys would allay my concerns, but I’m skeptical that will happen.
What do my fellow attorneys think?
Hi Mark, I represent United Disabilities Services, a non-profit organization based in Lancaster, PA, committed to improving the lives of people with physical and age related disabilities, including veterans and the elderly, lead more independent and fulfilling lives. In our over 40 years, we’ve developed a wide variety of services and programs that improve quality of life and expand boundaries – including Accessible Home Modifications, Home Medical Equipment, In-Home Personal Care, Adult Enrichment, and more.
Recently, UDS has launched an eStore with products designed for home modifications to create greater accessibility in homes and in commercial settings. We would love to have the opportunity to communicate with you about the eStore and the wonderful products we are offering that help individuals, and their families, create more accessibility in their environments. Please check out our eStore at the link below and email us if you would like to develop a relationship with us. We hope to hear from you soon.