MPR’s Catherine Richert delivers a must-read on how Minnesota is the only state to implement all three major components of the ACA: a state-run exchange, the Medicaid expansion, and a basic health plan (in the form of MinnesotaCare). Richert notes that Minnesota’s ambitious plans may either earn it accolades as a leader in health care reform if everything goes well. Or it may become a whipping post for reform opponents if things go badly.
Minnesota has a history of leadership on health care access and I expect that to continue long after 2014. Implementation may be a bit rocky in the early going, but that’s to be expected with any major initiative like this. Of course, my position within the state bureaucracy may bias me. Minnesota has too much at stake to allow all this work come to a futile end. The risks to the state are huge, but the payoff should be a healthier, more economically secure citizenry.