Sep 232013

Over the weekend, I experimented with the switch control function on my iPad using the built-in camera. iOS 7 allows users to activate the switch function by turning the head to the left or right. I was able to operate the iPad intermittently, but not on a consistent basis. The iPad had to be positioned in just the right spot to read my head movement and, even then, the interface could be fussy. My limited head movement probably didn’t help matters. Someone with more range of motion might have better luck using the camera. Perhaps future versions of iOS might be able to recognize more subtle gestures like eye blinks.

I just ordered the Tecla Shield, which will allow me to use an adaptive switch with the iPad. I’m expecting much better results using that method. Even though I have only been able to use the switch interface on a limited basis, I’ve been impressed with what I’ve seen so far. Apple’s accessibility team did an excellent job creating a comprehensive interface that can access all of the iPad’s functions with just a single switch. I’ll post more detailed impressions and possibly a few videos once I have the Shield up and running.

  One Response to “Head-On with iOS 7”

  1. Cool. I’d love to see the videos of how the switch works.

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