May 012005

I’ve been listening to the radio play version of “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” on my iPod. The writing and voice acting is brilliant. I especially love the portrayal of Marvin the Paranoid Android. Except he’s not really paranoid, is he? More like chronically depressed. And how can you not love the idea that the Earth is a gigantic laboratory for a millenia-long experiment overseen by superintelligent white mice? I’m not expecting the movie to have the same degree of cleverness, but based on an interview I heard on NPR, it seems the producers did try to remain faithful to Adams’ original vision. So there’s that, at least.
Here’s the ultra-cool-looking trailer for Joss Whedon’s Serenity. I need to sit down and watch the rest of the Firefly DVDs, but I’m hoping that’s not a prerequisite for enjoying the movie.
Finally, Happy May Day.

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