Sep 172012

Mitt Romney doesn’t want to waste his time on me. As he makes clear in the video below (which was leaked to Mother Jones), I’m just one more moocher who will vote for Obama because I’m a lazy, no-good moocher with a sense of entitlement. And everyone knows that Obama has the moocher vote locked up.

“But Mark, he wasn’t talking about you. He was talking about those other people.”

Yeah? Well, fuck you. How dare you question my moocher status. I’ll show you my Medical Assistance claims if you don’t believe me. I cost way more than a year of pre-school for a low-income kid. Way more than a Pell grant. Way more than your annual mortgage deduction. Way, way more than your grandma’s annual Social Security benefit. Compared to me, the rest of you moochers are a bunch of amateurs.

For Romney, I’m a lost cause. No, he’s trying to get your vote. Because you’re not a moocher, right? You’ve never asked the government for a handout. You pay your taxes (just like me). you’re the apple of Romney’s soulless, cybernetic eye.

But if Romney is elected, he’s going to learn that plenty of moochers wear nice suits and drive expensive cars. So I’m in good company.

  One Response to “All Us Moochers”

  1. The Republican running for the US House is having a Q&A in a nearby town. I’m tempted to go and ask him if he agrees with Romney’s assessment of the people in this country who pay no federal income tax. If he agrees, I’ll follow-up by asking if he supports the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, since they were a significant factor in a lot of those 47% becoming federal income tax free.

    Probably not as embarrassing now as it would’ve been earlier, since most Republican candidates have no compunction about throwing Romney under the bus these days, especially in my region.

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